terça-feira, 22 de agosto de 2017


At the time
i couldnt possibly have told her
that i understood.
that i too had felt the same.
that she wasnt alone.
that she wasnt the only one that had been through something like that.
or was going through something like that..
i wish i could have told her
that everything will pass one day.
that it wont be like that forever.
that one day she wont feel the way she does.
but i didnt.
because i'm scared.
because i'm a coward.
because i'm afraid to speak my mind, and say what i feel or felt.
because i loved her..
i guess i still do
i dont know.
i feel
i never told her
i never told her so many things.
things i needed to get off, things i needed to say.
i guess it's too late.
and now she's broken and so am i.

Hot Tea

i wish my tea was cold.
cause that's just how i feel inside.
it's warmth is too good for the emptiness that my mind has become.
i dont feel worthy of drinking it hot.
as if i had to feel worthy to drink tea.
as stupid as it might sound.

my heart is cold and it's cracks cant be filled with hot tea.

sexta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2017


I want to drown
Not in a depressing, killing myself way.
More in a way of wanting to know how it feels to be completely overcome by water.
How it feels so look up and see the sun beeming trough the waves knowing you'll never reach it.
The way your lungs fill with water while you're powerless.
Reaching out for a breath of fresh air, or any air at all, and your thoughts flooding your brain about how helpless you are and how nothing will save you.
Reaching deeper and deeper, losing conscience, losing life.
And in the mist of the dark surrounded by water, completely give up.
Knowing your body cant handle more.
Being more water than person.


It's the season of daisies.
I see'em everywhere.
 Near my house, near the sidewalk, near the places my eyes go when they need to rest.
But the Daisy I truly wish to see ends up getting lost in this garden that's my heart.
No, i'm not saying i dont like daisies, i do like them and the contrast of the white petals and the green of the grass that sends my heart in a realm of tranquility. 
I'm just saying that the way her brown eyes sparkle, that golden brown against the sun when our class window is somehow giving the slightest beam of light, and the way she gives out her braced smile when i do something somewhat relatable, and the way she cares about me, but doesnt at the same time, has a loveliness, a certain charm to it, that no flower could ever give.
That's why Daisy is my favorite flower, even though she has nothing in common with one.

sábado, 29 de abril de 2017


My soul is a big fire that never stops burning.
Sometimes it's so big that it's flames reach the stars and touch galaxies. 
Other times it's merely ashes lightly burning and making noises on thes ground.
Cripling silently as it's fumes fade away into the dawn.
On the other hand, my heart is as cold as the artic icebergs, drifting in a sea of sorrow, waiting for a boat to crash.
Even though it's ice seems as strong as titanium, it's very fragile and must be handled carefully for it is very breakable.
Ice so cold, not even the pits of hell could melt it.
 So cold that if anyone touches it, their hand freezes so that they're forced to take it off despite how bad they want to touch it. 
My heart and soul balance one another.
 There cant be one without the other and so i live.


Beauty is an illusion, it's not real.
It's all about symmetry, proportions, cultural vallues and personal taste.
But real beauty, real beauty it's rare, and it can be found everywhere if you take away all the fucking bullshit that society puts us to.
If you think outside the box everything will be prettier.
Real beauty is found in smiles, the way eyes shine, the way people walk, and act and talk, the way they talk about what they like and what they dont, real beauty is found in struggles, in the heartbreaks and the downfalls.
Everything else isnt real, it's an illusion, it's a shell.
Everyone is beautiful if seen by the right eyes.

Her Shirt

I havent seen her in months. 
Her hair has grown out.
 Since our break up I never expected to see her again.
 I'm pretty shocked.
 Our eyes lock and I cant help to blush.
 Dammit I shouldnt be like this.
 She's wearing a leather jacket and a shirt saying "I dont make mistakes". 
Of course she doesnt. She's flawless. Her perfect hair and perfectly done winged eyeliner.
 Her resting bitch face breaks and she smirks at me. 
She turns her back while I stand there paralysed. 
She takes her jacket off and puts her hair do the side.
 "I date them" is written on the back of her shirt.
 That explains the narcissistic quote on front.
 I'm not surprised she has a passive agressive phrase on her shirt.
 I'm more surprised she thinks that about our failed relationship.
 I guess some things really do change.


My best friend is a magician.
No, I don't mean it in the way that our friendship is magic, no. I mean it in the way that he does magic. Card tricks, pulling rabbits out of hats. Smoke and mirrors.
I'm too rational for magic, I quickly understand his tricks, the way he pulls the cards, the way you think he has an ace of hearts in his hands but it was a joker all along.
He says i'm not the best audience. That instead of awstruck and admiration he gets a curious girl asking him to do the trick again till she understands how it happens.
But I admire him.
 I truly do.
I love each individual move he does while doing cardistry, and the way he loves his magic gets me full of excitement and admiration even if it's not my passion. And this sorta gets back to the first sentence I mentioned.
Yes, my best friend is a magician. 
A freaking good one. 
But the greatest magic I ever saw is the magic in his eyes while doing what he loves.