two steps forward
one step back
i think i'm better than i used to be
but in moments like this
i realize
that i'm not
i'm still the same girl that's broken inside
the same girl who had no hope cause there wasnt any hope to have
the same girl who didnt plan the future
cause it didnt exist
two steps forward
one step back
sometimes i'm happy
sometimes i'm so full of joy light irradiates from my body
because i couldnt possibly keep it inside
happiness is valuable
because it is sweet
and short
and doesnt last
two steps forward
one step back
i get angry more often than i should
i get angry at small things and big things
sometimes i get so angry that tears start rolling down my face
and my voice cracks because i cant make sense of myself
i get angry at myself more often than i should
maybe even for wrong reasons
two steps forward
one step back
my progress seems small
seems often useless
sometimes it feels like taking
one step forward
two steps back
i dont know what to make of that
but progress
is progress
even if hindered by things i cant control
my progress is mine
and i will cherish it
because in the end i know i'm going
two steps forward
one step back